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Old October 8th, 2006
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luthier luthier is offline
Join Date: October 8th, 2006
Posts: 9
luthier is flying high
Arrow how can I keep my library up to date?

Hi there, I don't know if this is a tip & trick or whether I should go straight to the new features suggestion forum.

Basically, I'm looking for a way to keep my library up-to-date with what I have on disk.

I am a subsidiary user on someone else's machine--i.e I had to install limewire into my account from theirs because they are the admin and I don't have such privileges. So is it possible this may be why my library isn't updating to take account of deleted files?

I'm not having any problems deleting the spammy auto-generated stuff, for which I'm generally using either Limewire or a media manager that's provided on the system here; some stuff I'm pretty sure I have deleted, though, is still showing in my library despite it not being actually on disk any more.

I'm mainly sharing - and searching for - images, ebooks and suchlike rather than music and movies so please keep advice generic. And it seems it is the limewire library rather than any 3rd party viewing software that's persisting in registering stuff I've deleted--i.e. the thumbnails no longer register in my "playlist".

The thing is that I find it easier to do stuff at source and do my housekeeping using Windows. I prefer to, e.g., go in and change extension names manually once I've downloaded to ensure I see stuff through the viewer rather than keep triggering an image editing program startup.

What I'm wondering is whether it's something to do with the ultrapeer side of things?

Or is this something that I'm going to have to reluctantly get myself some kind of on-line payment handling arrangements set up (which I've been putting off almost as long as I put off getting a cellphone) in order to get the PRO version to solve?

Or should I get looking at the books on Java I picked up with a vague notion that, as I found JavaScript easy enough once I got going, I'd probably get round to teaching myself coding properly and try and write a auto-comparison routine for the refresh function? I don't know how long it might take, certainly at least a couple of weeks although I suspect it might take me that long to find the right bit of code in the OSS download.

OK, I shall stop waffling now and hope someone can work out what the question is before I get too much nearer to the big four oh.

thanks in advance

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