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Old November 11th, 2006
BugzinTexas BugzinTexas is offline
Join Date: November 11th, 2006
Posts: 3
BugzinTexas is flying high
Default Here is what is happening

Started limewire..did a search..on the left side of the screen there three sections. Genre..Artist..and Album, all with selectable catagories under these headings. Now I browse a host... again there are three sections . MEDIA..Artist..and Album but the selectable catagories are gone except for the area under media where listed is audio, programs, images, and video. If you select images, programs, documents, or video the bottom two catagories never change.

With the OLDER version of limewire if you selected "video" the next catagory below would have then broken down as wmv, avi, mov...etc. If you selected "documents" the next section down would have listed doc, pdf, txt, etc.... Then if you selected "doc" for example you would only see the files with that extension listed

In the new version this does not happen. I cant imagine that the upgraded version would have had less functionality so I thought maybe there was a setting that I was missing......Thanks!
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