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Old November 13th, 2006
infubilu infubilu is offline
Join Date: November 13th, 2006
Posts: 1
infubilu is flying high
Default So...Directions Say

I was following these directions...


To open the OS X Firewall for Gnutella access, please do the following:

1. Open up 'System Preferences'
2. In 'Internet & Network', open 'Sharing'.
3. Select the 'Firewall' tab (your Firewall should be on)
4. Select 'New...'
5. From the 'Port Name' drop down box, select 'Gnutella/LimeWire'
6. Select 'OK'
7. Restart your LimeWire application.

Please allow both TCP and UDP connections for optimal performance

but only problem is when I do the port name drop down box, there is no 'Gnutella/Limewire' port to select. What do I do?

P.S. I've also attempted to input the UDP and TCP port number on my own. I've used 64049 (for both, once) and 6346 (for both, another time).
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