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Old December 13th, 2006
ansdore ansdore is offline
Join Date: December 11th, 2006
Posts: 4
ansdore is flying high

Hi Sleepless,
Thanks for your help, I did download nero express, I have used 9 C.Ds so far 4 went to burn only to Mp3 format so they went in the bin, then 5 went to burn to audoi c d from nero and only one of these seems O.K. as when I play them on my car c d they start to play (sometimes) or the device tells me that the c d is unreadable.
As you say, you should be able to burn audio from wmp , because i did just that last year with no trouble and am still playing that c d on my car.. as you can guess I do this once a year , so thats why Im not to good at it .... I think I will give it up for this year............... Roger........
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