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Old December 16th, 2006
zatsoitchy zatsoitchy is offline
Join Date: December 16th, 2006
Posts: 1
zatsoitchy is flying high
Default seemingly random abort


so, i'm on a mac (10.4.8) with lw version 4.12.6 pro and java 1.5.0_06. i've not got many downloads, and i've plenty of space on my hard-drive. i've not checked any "don't bother me about such question" boxes and my incomplete folder is quite clean and small (<30 burgeoning files). and yet. . .aborted. this is not happening uniformly, nor does it happen with great regularity. i've no indicator of a firewall (my globe is fully visible) nor connection problems (neither with respect to limewire nor my general internet connection), and yet when it feels like it, limewire just seems to, without ever asking me, kill a download from time to time. all i'm asking for are ideas as to what it is that might be going on here.

now if i might add a 'moreover,' in addition to the random aborts, something quite strange happened with a 'resumed' aborted download: before being aborted, it claimed to be 98% complete or so, and yet after clicking resume from the library/incomplete window the file showed up in the downloads window initially as still being 98% done and then, when it successfully connected and started downloading, all the information was dropped and it went back to 0%. again, just wondering if anyone has any ideas.

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