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Old February 4th, 2002
cschwalenberg cschwalenberg is offline
Join Date: January 31st, 2002
Location: Madtown
Posts: 3
cschwalenberg is flying high
Unhappy New (Old) Version, Still Problematic


In answer to you questions:
1) Yes, I am using the same directory. It is a folder on my desktop.

2) I am not sure, but if I remeber correctly, the last version I had was 1.7. IF this make no sense, then disregard it. I do know that the last version I had that worked did not prompt for upgrading to Pro and did not have ads on the bottom of the window.

3) Nope. Not sharing on a different drive.

I downloaded 2.1.2 from the link you provided. I have not noticed any obvious bugs as of yet, but have not run it through its paces yet. I have noticed that, unfortunately, the download failure rate is the same as it was with 2.1.3. (Download failure rate is in the high 90% range).

Anyone know where I can get an even older version of Limewire? My wife uses the computer primarily for music downloads and investigation of songs before she buys CD's. She finally noticed yesterday that Limewire isn't working anymore. The clock is ticking for me now and my domestic tranquility is in some small amount of peril. Please help.

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