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Old January 13th, 2007
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birdy birdy is offline
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Guys, we're doing the best we can to help people get around this shitty problem the only way we know - by avoiding the files with heaps of sources, varying search terms, using the All Types search etc. And for some people that really does do the trick (believe it or not). For others, it doesn't seem to help so much. We don't know why.

There are more & more fake files appearing all the time. There are always going to be organisations that try to discourage p2p use. Whether it's infected files, fake files, misnamed files, there are always going to be things shared on the network which are put there purely to disrupt p2p.

If you want to use different apps that's fine & if you find a better alternative to LW, go for it. I don't know that other networks will be any better than Gnutella but try & never know until you try.

We are here to help. We're not developers, just users like you. So the advice we give is based on what has worked for us & other users. And if we get snotty with answers sometimes, it's probably because of the attitude we cop day after day from disgruntled people who expect us to be able to work miracles for them
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