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Old February 7th, 2007
eli47 eli47 is offline
Join Date: December 14th, 2006
Posts: 2
eli47 is flying high
Angry Have no idea what to do-2nd attempt (limewire wont work)

Hi. It has been a couple months since I've even messed w/ my LW because it is all screwed up. It never was great and I can only get dial up, but LOTS of songs were saying need more sources. So I tried to find out what was going on and in the process changed some things w/in the system, which is what I THOUGHT it said I was supposed to do, and anyway, I can't download anything now. I almost feel bailing and starting over, but I don't feel I should have to pay. I contacted LW directly through email and NEVER got a response. Is there anyway to set everything back to default or something? Thanks to anyone who can help. Eli
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