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Old February 9th, 2007
mykeel mykeel is offline
Join Date: February 5th, 2007
Posts: 6
mykeel is flying high

Thanks for your speedy responses birdy and wondering. You are giving me some hope and encouragement. We'll start w/the Actiontec Model #


And remember, at this point I can't keep LW open long enough to get in to the tools>options> etc. to configure the port forwarding. As I recall I did that with my ISP's assistance, setting incoming and outgoing to same port at some time in these last 2 weeks. He said if we knew what it was we could do that. I googled LW port and came up with 6346. I'd like to check that if we can do it outside of LW (can't remember how we got there and my isp is getting tired dealing with an issue that isn't really their thing. Like to leave them out of the loop if possible for time being.)

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