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Old February 24th, 2007
dana12345225 dana12345225 is offline
Join Date: February 24th, 2007
Posts: 3
dana12345225 is flying high
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sorry. and Hoora! the email address that the bearshare reps just gave me tonight "" unsuprisingly came back with this message I could not comprehend? joke joke! he he!

This is the Postfix program at host

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<>: unknown user: "bearsharepro"

they are avoiding us. but I am gonna be heard. the water is turning brown so I am getting out of the pool. I'll watch from the sun chair. there is alot of money to be had or "hid" from the users that paid and got the plug ripped from computers. it is our legal right to be refunded even if it is on a pro-rata bassis. but they wont even respond or post what they intend to do. even if I do not get my refund I will persue it with the federal attorney general to see to it that that money be rendered. I will not sit back and let them keep my money. I guess it is just the principal. I don't need the money or even care about it .but they are no t gonna keep it I will see to it.
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