Thread: my own songs
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Old March 2nd, 2007
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vicarious vicarious is offline
lime 4.18.8 is king!
Join Date: December 12th, 2006
Location: So. Cal.
Posts: 147
vicarious is flying high

You're in Gnutella Forums.

Hits is the # screens that your song has come up on.
For ex. 20 people have seen such file. (# of hits)

Uploads (0/0) is how many uploads have been done.
For example: (7/10)
7 would be successful downloads. (full downloads of that particular file)
10 would be total attempts of trying to download that particular file.

~ Such #'s may be due to some people disconected from network, or cancelled the download.

So really what you should be looking at is the uploads.
Also, if the text of the file name is not in red, it is being shared. You can share by going to tools > options.
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