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  #101 (permalink)  
Old March 12th, 2007
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AaronWalkhouse AaronWalkhouse is offline
***ּLegendary Axeman***ּ
Join Date: January 17th, 2005
Location: My igloos melt in June.
Posts: 1,974
AaronWalkhouse is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

Radaral, what you have there is a hoax file put out by social activists who have
no real authority and certainly no right to carry the emblems in that image. Any
IP addresses they harvest from downloaders are utterly useless to real law
enforcement and they know it. That's just a scarecrow, and a weak one.

The best such groups can do is occasionally tip the authorities to illegal web
sites that people like us find and report, and even then we have more
legitimate channels to use for such reporting, like the Center for Missing and
Exploited Children in the US and other officially sanctioned groups in Canada, the
UK, Europe and elsewhere.
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