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Old March 30th, 2007
spy1 spy1 is offline
Join Date: July 19th, 2004
Location: Charlotte, NC, USA
Posts: 34
spy1 is flying high

I can only conclude that neither of you bothered to read the "background link" I provided ( ) that explained extremely clearly what most of the pitfalls of the proposed bill would be and how glaringly un-fair it would be - not just to legitimate American citizens, but to the very same potential immigrants who have been striving to enter this country - legally - in some cases for years.

Please - continue to live in your personal fantasy-lands. If you can't recognize bad legislation when it jumps up and bites you in the ***, there's literally no hope for you -especially when all you have to do is read it to see it.

The whole "let's legalize the illegals" movement is itself driven by greed - the greed of the government for more tax money and votes from all those grateful aliens; the greed of corporations looking for "legitimate" ***** labor.

If you don't care to accept the fact that this will (1) send public assistance and educational costs through the roof; (2) result in the even sooner-than-expected demise of our Social Security benefits; (3) drive wages down in all sectors of the job market (because it can, and will); (4) WILL result in the more-rapid formation of the "North American Union" (which will effectively remove our sovereignty as an individual nation) - then more power to you.

It is cowardice in the extreme not to face these facts - to attempt to turn it into some tear-jerk soap opera about the poor, oppressed illegal immigrants is pathetic.

Seems Ted Kennedy will be introducing the Senate version - you all ought to feel right at home supporting slime like him.

Have a good evening. Pete
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