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Old March 31st, 2007
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Although I did read your links. Most of what they say is just a bunch of crap. Written by people who have and say to hell with anybody else. What is amazing is that gullible people like yourself will read crap like this and are either unable to think for themselves or are complete morons and fall for it hook line and sinker.

Now if they remained Illegal and are not paying taxes now do you think they are going to start paying taxes if they remain illegal. ?

The reason there are so many jobs out there for these people is that the American people have become very lazy and think they deserve 2 days pay for half a days work. And would rather sit on there asses on welfare doing nothing than get a job.

Most of these Illegals pay into social security already and see no benefit from it. If the Government would quit borrowing from social security and would have made adjustments to it over time it would have been fine. (Free money for the Goverment)

So go ahead and blame the illegals for all of the problems with social security, schools, health care, and anything else you wish since it is all there fault. Our Government had nothing to do with it. And hopefully the people like you will find a new land and form your own Government and fix all of the problems by blaming illegal aliens for your problems. And while you are at it try pulling you head out of you A$$ the world wouldn't smell so bad if you did.
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Later Grandpa
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