Thread: Question . . .
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Old April 8th, 2007
stief stief is offline
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For Macs, right-click is control-click.

If you don't have the port number, try 6346

So, in Direct Connect, try the IP you have. I think the default of 6346 is added automatically. If not, add a colon (to separate the IP from the Port number)and 6346 . so, the direct connect would look something like ###.###.###.#:6346.

Actually, if you are just looking for that one file, try the "Any Type" search, with two keywords and .mp3. So, "artist songname .mp3" should be a better way to go if Direct Connect doesn't work.

If two or three tries with the "any" doesn't work, use the file menu ot disconnect and then reconnect. That will give you new ultrapeers, and your search will then be able to go out to a different part of the network.
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