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Old April 17th, 2007
Only A Hobo Only A Hobo is offline
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Only A Hobo is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

Hi If you go to download a file and there are no sources found it will change to "Need More Sources". You need then to manually select "find More Sources, or it will never download. The countdown runs as Limewire searches, and the file may connect, or if it does not will turn to " Awaiting Sources" at the end of the countdown, and that is a different state. Awaiting source files will connect if Limewire finds a source, but it often helps if you re-search the Awaiting source files, and you will often trigger these files into connecting and downloading.

All this assumes that the files are good ones, and a lot of files on the network are not. They are fakes. This should explain a bit about fake files:

It is usually best to remove Awaiting Source files that have made no progress, and re-search and start again. Only is you have a VERY rare file is it really worth keeping it as awaking source, and it might download weeks later, if with luck, the host comes back on line.

I hope this helped make things clearer. The User guide is good, if you haven't seen it. Find it and the FAQ here :
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