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Old June 2nd, 2007
Pommie5 Pommie5 is offline
Join Date: June 1st, 2007
Posts: 5
Pommie5 is flying high

Thank you Ursula for the welcome, and for all the replies from members. Much appreciated, thank you.
Yes, talking to ISP's ref to downloads etc is going to be difficult. I wanted to get all the information I could before I speak to Tiscali them. This is going to even more difficult with my broad Northern British accent and their rather different Indian English accent from the technical assistance people in New Delhi. I always seem to spend half the time asking them to repeat what they have said. They must think it strange, but I am not on my own in having difficulty understanding the spoken words with a heavy Indian accent.
Yes I am at times a heavy downloader, but Tiscali policy is clear and there is no stated problem or restrictions that will be made outside the time periods laid out in their FUP.
I will go and have a trawl through the Tiscali forums and see what I can find. Got the port change info too. Thank you Birdy.
Will come back when I get anything and post my results or otherwise.
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