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  #18 (permalink)  
Old March 5th, 2002
Posts: n/a

To make it clear once more , Opera DOESN'T come with Cydoor, it USES open, XML based, documented technology joint created with Opera software and Cydoor.

Full details explained there: , I was talking about that thing... Like a user speaking on this forum. People trusts you. I would happily give my profile to you if you described how data would be used etc. Figure on that page, Opera says "all Opera code is developed, compiled in Opera software", you can guess the reason, people REALLY suspect Cydoor.

IMHO, if the advertising companies weren't so "rude" before, we wouldn't be using the word "spyware" now. Just an opinion though.

About others? Yea, all of them. Also I must admit, Limewire has been much more kind company compared to others.

Ilgaz Öcal
an Opera user

Originally posted by afisk
Have you had problems specifically with the LimeWire Cydoor installer? If you have, we'd would look into it straight away. We have not heard any reports of our Cydoor installer causing any issues. Everyone realizes that Cydoor is also bundled with Opera, Kazaa, IMesh, etc. right? I just want to make sure you don't think it's just LimeWire.

As far as the bandwidth usage, we only install the stub installer when we install Cydoor -- the Cydoor installer then dynamically downloads the program in the background. This is all so that we don't use our bandwidth for its install. Could this be what you were seeing?

On your earlier point about advertising, we could (in theory) do that with the Cydoor ads. They would actually pay us a lot to get that kind of information. The trouble is, I think they basically just sell it and don't really give you any more customized ads.

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