Not being a USA citizen but interested in your story, I'd like to ask you to cut down on the US abbreviations, for example, you mentioned SS#, which I take to mean social security number. However, in the UK the nearest equivalent is our NI number (National Insurance) and we are not obliged to carry or produce them for identification.
Also, what is AZ? Is it short for Arizona? But that couldn’t be because Arizona is a different US state. So you see, US abbreviations can get somewhat confusing to forum members who do not live in the US.
Now, Texans are world-renowned for their love of guns

, so much so that I believe that in some places in Texas you can get a free gun with your take-away (take-out?).
Anyway, this Insurance Adjuster comes to your home, royally shafts you then says, “Smile, it’s fair”. I am surprised that he left your home with all his bodily parts intact, you must have shown some real self-restraint

You know, your story reminds me of a Billy Connolly film (Scottish comedian, he recently toured the States on a three-wheeled motor bike) whereby, like you, he put in an insurance claim for the damage done to his fishing boat during a storm. He was also told his claim would not be paid because it was an “Act of God”. So he sued God.
The upshot was that Insurance companies could never again use an “Act of God” to deny a claim. Although it was only a comedy film it contained a grain of truth, i.e. insurance companies will use any excuse not to pay a claim

Finally, you should report this "slippery" practice to the Texas Insurance Commission, if they are not a corrupt organisation then they might use your complaint to help build a case against your (former) insurance company.
UK Bob
PS. The film is called "The Man Who Sued God", it was made in 2001 and is more than likely available on DVD.