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Old July 18th, 2007
ukbobboy01 ukbobboy01 is offline
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Default Direct Connect


You have your ST585 purring like a contented kitten, leave it be or you might find things going wrong that you won't be able to recover from.

I too have found that the ST585 seem to change certain settings of it's own accord, I presume that this is UPnP kicking in and changing things. But hey, as long as it still works.

As for Direct Connect, somehow I thing you have the terminology mixed up (not that it really matters) but "Direct Connect" is when you are able to make a one to one connection with another LW user. While "port forwarding", which I believe you have configured your modem to perform, is enabling LW to work normally, i.e. you downloading from other LW users while LW users download from you.

However, none of this matters as long as have got this beast tamed.

UK Bob
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