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Old July 26th, 2007
roimay roimay is offline
Join Date: July 21st, 2007
Posts: 31
roimay is flying high
Arrow Don't Give Up

You will need someone more experienced and savvy than me to help.
Once working and Understood LW is a good site for D/L.
Cannot help either re Scam or not. I got LW from LW site where, yes, it is free to d/l and d/ls from searches are free. Once I get experienced I will upgrade to LW Pro.
Maybe you have to Trash and start again? But the bar at bottom, isn't that signal strength? If you only have one bar maybe the signal is too weak to d/l?
I expect there is a thread for that if you can find it. Again you need a response from someone who Knows.
Your connection is different to mine as you have satelite where I have router via phone line. Again Good Luck.
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