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Old March 13th, 2002
clownfish clownfish is offline
Join Date: December 26th, 2001
Location: San Antonio
Posts: 11
clownfish is flying high
Default Finally found an OSX Solution!

After 2 weeks of trying to get this new version to work in OSX, I almost gave up. It would just sit there and not allow me to DL anything. I would get many finds but non would DL.

Now, I found a solution that works.

If I switch the SAVE folder to ANY folder in my OSX Hard Drive it will work. If I try and use my massive 40 Gig Firewire drive it will not. I have tried everything to get the other drive to allow a save, but it will not. I tried file sharing on, privalages etc... Everything seems to be fine, and other Gnutella apps will DL into it. It's just that LIMEWIRE will not.

I've done several experiments and it is consistant. If I attempt to save in any volume OTHER then the one with OSX installed it will fail. Once I switrch back to the volume that contains my startup OSX it will work fine.

LIMEWIRE crew, please fix this. Many people have additional drives on their system. For me it's the only way to save huge files, as my internal drive is nearly full.

I hope this helps!

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