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Old August 20th, 2007
fdreamer fdreamer is offline
Join Date: August 12th, 2007
Posts: 3
fdreamer is flying high

I'm sorry it took me so long to get back. Here is the info you needed
1. 0.s is mac 9.2.2
2. firewall is in the modem
3. 64 meg ram
4. 4.41 GB avalible on hard drive
5. connecting via. DSL
6. Modem is a 2Wire 1701HG
7. Connecting from apartment
8. LimeWire version : 4.0.10
Java version : 2.2.6
9. ISP : AT&T
10. The Test Worked
11. Not sharing a connection
12. This is my first try at LW with a mac and old one at that
I have used LW in the past on a PC.
13. no brick wall
14. I believe I am port forwarding to port 6346
I set up a profile in the firewall on my modem for LW giving it port 6346
15. I have no security software on this computer
16. Living in U.S.A
I believe that covers the list Thank you for the link.
I sure hope you can help me

Thank you,
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