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Old September 10th, 2007
Model-Behavior Model-Behavior is offline
Join Date: September 10th, 2007
Posts: 15
Model-Behavior is flying high
Unhappy It's a shame .... :-((can't seem to download)

Limewire was the best file sharing program I ever used, and I've been on the Internet since 1986 at 300k baud with a Tandy 1000-EX.

But now Limewire file sharing is being blocked, I assume by the RIAA. Everything was working fine until the first week in August 2007 and then the blocking started. I upgraded my Limewire program with no better results. Then I completely uninstalled the program and went back to an older version.

Nothing downloads any more. All I get is "Qued .... Connecting .... 100+ Hosts .... Need more resources."

I guess that Limewire has gone the way of so many other file sharing systems, it's been neutralized and serves no more purpose.

It's a sad day, but after 5 weeks of repeated attempts with different versions and different download requests there's no point in keeping the program on my computer.

My BIG problem is that I just don't know what to try now. ..... uTorrent?

So disappointed, but thanks for the 3 wonderful years of service!
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