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Old September 30th, 2007
steviebsf steviebsf is offline
Join Date: August 21st, 2007
Posts: 2
steviebsf is flying high
Default is it designed to suck all hard disk space till it crashes?!

I no longer think the problem is me.
I'm an experienced mac user and while i've had occasional bouts of success with limewire, (the position of the moon? random feng shui alignment? i really don't know) it always comes back to the same problem: no matter what preferences i've selected or deselected, cleared my download cache or checked my chi & every other "helpful" hint in the forum or help section, limewire eats through my hard disk space (700 megs or 3 gigs) in about 5 minutes & then can't even save it's own stupid preferences so i have to do a complete reset-up, reselect, reconfigure, every time and for what?
to add 3 new files to my incomplete folder and do it all over again.
i plead with you in the name of sanity. please fix it.

oh yeah: mac 10.3.9. & your last 6 or 7 mac releases. java updates, cleared caches, removed invisibles & found the square root of all imaginary numbers.

what the #$%# is limewire writing to my disk anyway?????
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