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  #6 (permalink)  
Old March 23rd, 2002
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Default Be responsible and accountable

I do agree with a choice or weather or not to allow child porn to go through a persons computers, howeve now knowing this, I would like to say that everyone has a choice.
The choice may not be convenient to the person who desired to use the limewire, howeve does not desire to allow files in any topic range to be passed through his/her machine.
The answer is simple don't use limewire and deal with the inconvenience of not using limewire, if indead a person objects to this.
I personally do, however feel no conviction on this topic.
Here is a good example:
Althought I don't condone drug abuse, I have people who work for me, and they get paid. Knowing that they will most likely spend their money on drugs. Should I not pay them / or fire them.
or just not work them to begin with. The fact is that these are good worker and make me money. So the answer is simple, to support my conviction I need not work them and deal with solution of how to find other workers myself.
This may be inconvenient, but why sit around complaining that my workers are on drugs.
Bye the way this is an example, not a true situation, but I have seem this in the work place before.
What does this have to do with this topic regarding child porn.
Well everything if there are things that someong does not like but they do like other features, then they have to weight what is more important, if their conviction is strong enough, the details of why they do not like a particular feature of lime wire out weights the features that they do like and regardless of how much they like those features they are willing to give it up to support their conviction.
This is called making the right descision.
I have already stopped using lime wire myself, as it appears to be mostly for porn and bootleg copies of software and lic.
I have tried to uninstall and now my machine get a strange starup message that I now need to tweek and fix. which I will , but what a pain.
anyways just fyi, this is my idea of making a descision and being accountable.
good luck to all and may God Bless you and your families.
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