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Old March 24th, 2002
Smilin' Joe Fission Smilin' Joe Fission is offline
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Join Date: March 14th, 2002
Location: Canada
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Originally posted by Unregistered
If you could understand this you would be busy with your own client making big bucks, why bother helping another guy who could become your competition?
Why use already written source code that works? Oh yea, you can't use GPL code in a commercial client. Wait! Maybe you can sneak it in so you can make money now! How do you think all the other money making spyware clients got their start?

Soapbox off.
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why you should NEVER smoke crack!

Now that my true motives of trying to write a Gnutella client and making millions by riddling it with spyware and adware have been discovered, I think I'll have to retire to a different profession.... like swindling money from old people.

Thanks Mr. Unregistered for your unwarranted conspiracy theory... however, it's just not the answer I'm looking for.

Go look at Gnucleus source code or a linux client to see what is little endian etc it is easier. No where does it tell what a GUID is byte order wise, you have to see what others have done, sorry.
Plus you should be working on features and not wasting your time re-hashing old protocol code that has already been written.
Build on top of what has already been done and then post what you have done so other can build on top of that.
1) I already looked at another couple examples of free VB servent code (yes, I'm using Visual Basic, not C++... if I was using C++, I would be able to refer to Gnucleus or some other servent's code now, wouldn't I?) After reading the code for one servent over more than once and performing some meager testing on my own, I am convinced that it is WRONG aside from being poorly written and incredibly difficult to follow in the first place. The second sample of free servent code I have is utterly unreadable. While I have no doubt it probably works, I have no desire to spend more time deciphering another author's code than actually writing mine.

2) I'd rather not "use existing code" because I don't learn anything that way. If I do it myself, I know what I've done and how I've done it. This also makes it a lot easier when I need to fix things that are wrong or add new features. Besides, as I said in #1, there isn't anything "good" written in VB that I can add onto in the first place.

3) I didn't ask for your opinion on what I really ought to be doing with my coding talents. If I want to write my own code for my own servent, that's my own decision.

4) I didn't ask about GUIDs... dunno where you got that from.

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