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Old January 15th, 2008
UPEngineer UPEngineer is offline
Join Date: January 15th, 2008
Posts: 1
UPEngineer is flying high


I was in the same boat as you in both my daughter's accounts were non administrator and was using Parental controls and could not log on.

Here is what I did to fix the problem.

First, I made sure my java was up to date. There are numerous threads on how to do this.

Second, I believe it is a permissions issue in why it will not work....So what I did was to change the non-admin accounts to admin accounts and then installed Limewire.

Third, I ran Limewire and changed all the preferences to your specific needs.

Lastly, I changed the accounts back to non-admin accounts.

I did this on both of my daughter's computers and they have been able to login and connect successfully using LW, Vista, Parental Controls and Non-Admin accounts from then on!

Hope this helps!
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