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Old March 1st, 2008
computerguy0921 computerguy0921 is offline
Join Date: March 1st, 2008
Posts: 1
computerguy0921 is flying high

hey everyone, this is my first post, but i have gotten limewire to work on 10.5.1 without any patch. the key is sharing. go to your system prefrences, and click on sharing. there you can enable sharing of different features, such as bluetooth, ether net, and airport card. there should be a drop down menu as i recall and just select airport. you can then tick "enable sharing" i then just restarted and boom! it connects everytime! that is all i changed, and i had the same problem everyone else had. by no means am i claiming this is an all in 1 fix, but i tried everything else everyone was saying and it didnt work, and with that 1 little click to enable it, it worked! i believe this is a new mac security feature so no one can pull files from you wirelessly without you authorizing it. not sure though...anyways, i posted this all by memory as i am reinstalling a few programs on my macbook and cannot pull up the option right now, i will check back and make sure that those are the correct names of the windows to do this, but that is what i did and it saved the day!


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