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Old March 13th, 2008
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arne_bab arne_bab is offline
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Join Date: May 31st, 2002
Location: Heidelberg, Germany
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arne_bab is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

A file is only supposed to be there, if you explicitely tell Phex to share it.

Downloaded files appear in your download-folder (if you didn't change it, it's a folder named "download" inside the phex config folder).

The Library is what you show to the world, so be careful what you out in there.

If you definitely want to share everything you downloaded, you can just go into the library tab and click the "share folder" button in the lower left corner. In the dialog you can then select the download folder.

From that point onward all your downloads will be shared, so if you want to share everything you downloaded, be careful what you download, and if something appeared as a good file but you find out, it is bad, after downloading it, make sure you delete it instantly.

And please have a look at your local laws. We can't control what you can find in the network, since what is there is composed from all the things people like you share.

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