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Old April 5th, 2002
Posts: n/a

Join the new network!
Thanks to Vinnie! He really hates XoloX doesn't he? Shows how slow the_gdf is, they just figured out this was going on?

> Originally posted by plasticparadox
> Why should they have to switch in the first place?
To be on OpenSource P2P Net, they need to use a open source free to use client.
On the regular Gnutella Net, they should choose a client that doesn't spy/spam/popup ad you to death because public opinion of that attitude will cause that client to get blocked off the network.

More and more people are downloading and using this client, so those who develop spyware enabled clients should think twice about being so greedy, in my opinion.
And now they have a reason to respect the "outsiders" a little bit more.
Look at what Kaza and Morpheus are doing now, people are worried about the spyware that is in there, and the corporations now want to use your CPU cycles and network resources to distribute their SPAM at no cost to them.

Stop this now before it happens on Gnutella!

This is the only way I see to stop this before it gets too far.
plasticparadox, if you have a better idea please let me know, and send some source code for it if you can.

> You think it's bad to do what to users; serve them advertising or block their clients?
Blocking them is a subtle way to do this. It doesn't completely cut them off (on Gnutella Net) but gets them to make a better choice of client vendor.

> Because Gnutella and politics should not mix.
Tell that to everyone on the_gdf. This is reality.

> You have termed the Network, not just the Client, as OpenSource.
It's just a name, I could have called it FREENET, or FREENOPOLITICS, or FREDS, or NONPROFIT. Feel free to make up your own name and network, it's fun! People do it at colleges everywhere with only 300 or so nodes and it works quite well.
The network is also defined on the home page, so it's not misleading anyone.

> But I didn't mention the term GPL.
Then don't quote the GPL license text in your post and claim it somehow regulates the OpenSource Network. Again, it only applies to the software's author.

> That doesn't mean you can use an OpenSource kiddy-hack script to shut down a store or businesses e-commerce server if you don't like what that business does.
Script "kiddies" do it all the time, and they don't care much about the GPL license.

> The argument you have just used entitles you to use your OpenSource word processor to create some Anti-Profit websites.
People can do that too if they want to. Now you aren't making sense.

I think we mostly agree on the Gnutella Net side of things.
I respectfully agree to disagree with you on the naming of this new network, it's just a name and I happen to like it.

Everyone knows my views on this, and they now know yours, anything we can move forward on constructively?

BTW: The host cache references on the home page are clearly labeled "OpenSource P2P Net" and "Gnutella Net", I don't know why people are confused about this, it's just a reference.
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