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Old April 6th, 2002
aroguejedi aroguejedi is offline
Join Date: April 6th, 2002
Posts: 1
aroguejedi is flying high
Angry LimeWire 2.3.3 QUIT PROBLEM

**HELP!!** QUIT PROBLEM: Upgraded to LimeWire 2.3.3 and it still has the same annoying bug as the previous version.... If I try to close the LimeWire window or click anywhere else the app quits and I get "The application LimeWire has unexpectedly quit because an error of type 2 occurred" error message. The only way around this is to collapse the window, click outside of it, and LimeWire will continue to run in the background. I am running Mac OS 9.2.2 on an iMac with a G3 processor and 512 mb built in RAM and have tried re-downloading and re-installing the 2.3.3 updater but nothing fixes this very annoying bug. Any suggestions????
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