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Old July 10th, 2008
virtualcoder virtualcoder is offline
Join Date: March 23rd, 2008
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virtualcoder is flying high

Originally Posted by Orange County Ca View Post
Thank's for that Virtualcoder. Can you give us a link to the newspaper? If 20 guys in one county are getting arrested a month I'm wondering why its not being done everywhere. Maybe it soon will be. But as of now there is nothing going on in the Los Angeles area.

Thanks for that Peerless. Buy what? What is d00d (d zero zero d?)? Can the "a" in my example be discovered?
Well, I said every couple of months. But probably every six months is more accurate. It's Polk county, FL and we hear about it in Orange county, FL (Orlando) next door. The last article may be dead on the local sites but I found the abc news article on it. Reading it is going to freak people out but I will post it. The thing about it is that he catches like 20 people in ONE county. What the f are these guys thinking? Some of those old guys are truly sickening, but I can't help but wonder about the young guys, one of the ones here is only 17. Was he just being dumb? Would this have been a problem in a few years after a girlfriend or two? His life and his familys life is basically destroyed. I can't find the article, but the sting before this one of the guys actually killed himself. The idea of the pictures put a knot in my stomach, but so does the idea of a 17 yo old boy facing that kind of personal destruction for being stupid. Anyway, here is a link.

ABC News: The Many Faces of Child Porn Suspects

I am sure they is working on another one as we type.
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