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Old July 20th, 2008
Miss Ann Thrope Miss Ann Thrope is offline
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Default Library - the search count stats never reset

Hi arne

I do not understand.
Why do the numbers in the library Search Count column never reset?
I can exit Phex and then relaunch it or I can do a complete shutdown of Windows and then a cold start and then launch Phex and the numbers in the library search count column are never reset.

This doesn't make any sense because there is no way to judge what is happening NOW, meaning the current reality about my connection and relationship with other users on the network. It is always accumulating 'hits' and never resetting.

Is there some configuration I am missing?
I don't think so.
This exact same thing is happening on three different computers with three different types of Windows with three different ISPs.
All my friends are also getting the same thing.
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