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Old April 8th, 2002
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Default Re: Gnotella is still the best! even after 4 months of no development

Originally posted by bobwonderful
I Wish someone could let me know what is similar to Gnotella. So far, I've tested out Bearshare, Limewire, Gnucleus and to my many are similar to Gnotella, however none have all of the features of Gnotella and the ease of use which Gnotella has. Does anyone know where Shaun Sidwall, the developer of Gnotella, went to? I'd be interesed to find out where he went. From the features, Gnucleus comes close and I have made suggestions, only time can tell. One of the things I would like to see is the ability to control the amount of times another Gnutella client is able to ping you for your file. I have found that Gnuecleus has a nasty habbit of trying to ping you every 10 seconds by some users. (I think this is putting a load on the network which is unecessary) Every 60 seconds should be fine for the all of us.

Patience is a virtue and is well received.
My thoughts,
I agree completely. I miss Gnotella a lot. I haven't uninstalled it yet though.

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