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Old October 28th, 2008
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Blackhorse 70V Blackhorse 70V is offline
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Join Date: January 31st, 2008
Location: San Francisco
Posts: 763
Blackhorse 70V is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

Is aol messing with my connection Probably. Especially in the UK.

Lord of the Rings writes, "AOL rents lines from other ISP's. That's how they work. Also many ISP's in UK nowadays do have some kind of limit on p2p sharing ... shaping or ... time of day limits, etc. So with AOL you are never too sure exactly which ISP's real rules you are under. Most likely the most nearby one."

In the US, AOL has been known to block URLs. MSN surprised me by blocking access to the Limewire download page.
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