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Old November 2nd, 2008
alyssamehnert alyssamehnert is offline
Join Date: November 2nd, 2008
Posts: 1
alyssamehnert is flying high
Unhappy Shut down Limewire in OS X

Okay, I installed limewire on my mac a few days ago, and when I try to shut down the application, it won't shut down. I tried "force quit" several times, and that didn't work either. I became a little frustrated that this application has taken over my computer and sits in my dock, so I tried moving the program to the trash and emptying my trash to uninstall it, but the limewire icon is still sitting in my dock, with the arrow next to it indicating that it is running. Now when I try to shut down my computer, it won't let me because "an application is running". But since I have deleted all the limewire files from my hard drive (yes I went into preferences and deleted the limewire files there, too), if I click on the icon, it won't do anything. I have no beef with limewire, I would just like to be able to shut down my computer once in a while. Any help?
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