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Old November 6th, 2008
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arne_bab arne_bab is offline
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What's already possible:

Extended Security options.

People should be able to choose what the ban option would do.
- Custom ban period
- Remove/ban Ultrapeer (a banned host can no longer connect to you)


Pernament filters with advanced options.
-Add filters for terms, SHA1, Filesize, Vendor, Type, Score, Rating, Information, Speed
-Add advanced options to the filters, e.g. numbers to have an interval and include "AND", "OR", "NOT" and other logical search operators
-Add preset filters for adult content
-Add preset filters for known bad files (like these, note that "Skrabemand" isn't an actual word but two random danish words pulled toghether) - this one needs more user input.

So the only missing part is "ban by country", and you can do that manually by banning the correct IP ranges from the security tab.

Would you help us with finding known bad files (so we can add them to the scam file filter)?

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