Thread: Y Go Pro?
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old April 15th, 2002
Posts: n/a

Excellent response...

Actually, it's not the fault of p2p technology, it's the fault of the mp3 players rather than the limewires/napsters/morpheii of the world. I have a *very* small label in NYC called NeuroPop, and Music City selected two of my artists to be featured on their web site -- which I was glad to do because they (supposedly) have a secure file format which allows users to download a song, listen to it a few times, then select whether or not they want to purchase it (I've tried to price our mp3's at $0.25 each... we'll see if they let me).

If mp3 players were set up to check this stuff to begin with

BTW -- artists get paid from radio play through the magic of ASCAP. BMI, & SESAC... It is *not* free. It is sponsored.
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