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Old March 16th, 2009
rcraven rcraven is offline
Join Date: March 15th, 2009
Location: Helsinki, Finland
Posts: 3
rcraven is flying high

Well, close but no cigar :-) CP/M was designed by Digital for microcomputers using either Intel 8080 or later compatible Zilog Z80 CPU. Just wonder - you could write a book using a system consisting of two 51/4" floppy disks (one for the software, the other for the text) and 64KB of memory... OK, no WYSIWYG there (well, with text terminal...?), but still. I reckon nowadays the laptops sold with Vista don't have less than 2GB!

Hmm, and from Vista we reach two Microsoft's ... 'interesting' decisions. Namely, both Xenix and OS/2 were developed by MS (OS/2 in co-operation with IBM), but MS decided to give up with both. I don't know the reasoning with Xenix case, OS/2 dilemma was caused by Windows 3.0 (yiks!).

40-45 C is a bit too warm for me, at least for a longer period of time (though, in sauna I prefer >100 C - but I don't stay in there for weeks ). There are lot of Finns enjoying of this kind of warmth, so places like Spain, Greece islands, Turkey or nowadays Thailand are extremely popular for taking holidays. I prefer a bit cooler places .
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