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Old March 24th, 2009
anth0ny8985 anth0ny8985 is offline
Join Date: March 24th, 2009
Posts: 1
anth0ny8985 is flying high
Angry PlZ SOMEONE HELP ME (LW 5 won't connect)

My manufacture internet connection is Verizon. I have a verizon router connected to my PC and is a new computer running Windows Vista, also recently installed Limewire 5....But
When i open limewire 5 its trying to have a internet connection but then it fails..

I have a McAfee antivirus which is not blockin my lime wire connection. and i also have windows defender and to me its running perfectly and has nothing to do with the limewire connection.

So i go to my browser and enter which takes me to my verizon setup screen.. I configure my firewall to low security...

Later on i try opening limewire again and thats when it would have connection so i can start downloading music.... IF ANYONE CAN HELP ME OUT WITH THIS AND PLZ TELL ME ANY SUGGESTIONS!!!.. i really dont wanna catch any spywares or any virusus by leaving my firewall to low security..I wanna have my limewire connecting itself, working properly with my firewall set up to medium and not having it to low so my computer can be visible for others.

I have lots of friends who has verizon Broadband as me and their firewall are set to medium and they didnt have this issue im going throough.
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