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Old June 11th, 2009
sparky_05084 sparky_05084 is offline
Join Date: March 7th, 2007
Posts: 19
sparky_05084 is flying high
Question Is LimeWire 5 bugged?(Fluctuating d/l speeds. Min. to sys tray and file progress back to 0%)

Hey peeps. Not been on here for a long time so go easy on me. First of all, thanks if you have taken the time to read my problem, and yes it is rather an annoying one.
Ok then, I have LW 5.1.2 installed and Java 1.6.0_14 so all pretty much up to date. My system is running on Windows XP proffessional platform SP3 with all latest updates etc. I have a very good memory setup at 2GB Ram and 320GB HDD and also not forgetting the all important processor which is an intel core duo 2 x 2.66Ghz. I have good antivirus and I am not behind a firewall so LW loads up well and can connect quite easily to the network. MY ISP's speed is very good and I am averaging at around 6mb download speed and my best being over 9mb ( I checked this on " - its very good if you've never used or heard of it). So, there is all the information for you, good system, no firewall or blocks on LW and it connects easily and most importantly - a fast internet connection. So whats my problem?
Basically, I use LW for downloading media like films and Im quite accustomed to it and experienced - in other words, I know the precautions to take and I know what Im looking for. I search for the film, check it of course then finally proceed to download. All is well and my download progress will rocket up to around 200 KB/s if not more for the first ten mins. Then gradually it will settle to around the 130 ish mark which I think is rather good. Now, of course the speed will fluctuate and all sorts of things need to be considered such as time of day, the amount of users connected to the network at any one time, quality of the download, bugs, antivirus, running more than one app blah blah balh you know what the score is. Now, heres where things get interesting, at about a third of the way through the download speed will gradually trickle down (very slightly but noticeable) to about 70 KB/s and dip between that and the films progress will stall if you like or go from say 123MB up to 125MB then back again!
It will do this non stop and LW has not been interfered with nor have I ran any other programs so my PC is basically just running LW and my internet connection is at iots best. Why does it do this??
Whats more, it does it with almost any type of media and again just so you don't pull me I check the media first on Bitzi, virus scan it and download it. There should be no problems but there is and if I make the mistake of even minimising LW to my tray, when I maximise it again the download has gone back to the beginning!
I have read all the stickies and many apologies if I have missed a post or some imnportant info that would otherwise not need a response but I beg you experst out there please help Im at my wits end and I have NEVER had this problem before. I have not had a bad update, changed my software or my browser settings I just don't understand the problem.
Please help me. Many thanks, Sparky
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