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  #63 (permalink)  
Old June 21st, 2009
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ayra ayra is offline
Join Date: June 20th, 2009
Location: Switzerland
Posts: 10
ayra is flying high

Works fine, thanks, he can connect to others, but it looks like he doesn't get enough peers. currently i got 10 Peers and 34 "Leafs", whatever this is, the tooltip on the led tells me, that he likes to get 26 Peers and 50 leafs. Some questions:
Why does he need so many peers? (with 10 i get good results)
Why does he never get 26 peers? (10 was my all time maximum and if I delete the connected peers he connect to others but again only to 10 others)
What the hell is a Leaf and why do he tries to get 50? (yesterday i had none of them)
why does the leefs have a lock in the List and the peers not?
Why is the word Leaf sometimes written in green and sometimes in black?
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