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Old August 6th, 2009
cneedhelp cneedhelp is offline
Join Date: August 6th, 2009
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cneedhelp is flying high
Default New virtual monitoring software

This is an idea I have and I would like to know if perhaps somebody have the same though.
I am an " Computer Network Engenieer" but function is every day more complicated to do.
Since I am in charge of Cisco router-switches maintenance, firewall, cable system, server functions etc. I know that there is several tool that can help me but they are expencive and not alway do that I need.
I was thinking if there is a sort of free virtual device that can:
1.- inspect the network and create a map of logical connections
2.- that can analice network traffic, to see what device is slow down to a croll the network and what king of protocol are in use
3.- that give some sort of intrusion detection
4.- that letme do an inventory of software and hardware
5.- that go into the computer and let me see who they are, server or ps or laptops.
6.- that let me track who usesr open files and what changes they make on it,
7.- that let me know who is accessing the routers and switche ( Cisco ) and makign changes to the configuration files,when was done and what was done
8.- that give some control of who is login into the system when they login when they logoff what website they visite, how long they were there and what they see
9.- how to zyncronis domain quickle, and how to see all the domain at once, what is being sharing and hoe may users have supervisory rights.
I also have several Novell 6.5 and the newone that are linux base, and some linex redhat server.
10 something that give any idea why some computer cannot find the Domain controllers when oter computer get to theneasy?
I know that is kind of crazy, but really today days is almost imposible to keep track of a network and the people in manangement is not willing to buy "toys" any way. But they want report on network utilization, badwith utilization , why the network is slow when they have 45 GB feed paths etc.
If somebody think this is crazy I agreed totaly but if somebody have a virtual tool the can be intalled on e laptop or a " mobile sever" ( I call this a computer with several nicards) and can do this or more i will really apreciate. I just want to do my job and have some time free with the family ,some time I miss them.

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