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Old December 3rd, 2009
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arne_bab arne_bab is offline
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LimeWire still can't ban child porn. The people who share it willingly will just change the files minimally and the ban won't work anymore.

In gnutellaforums, everyone who talks about where to find childporn is banned as soon as a moderator sees the post.

(but I can believe that there are adults who would harm children that way. If there weren't these sick people, then child porn would simply not exist.)

What Phex does to keep child porn from spreading is having a "nasty file filter" which is on by default and hides files with keywords which suggest that the file contains child porn. Luckily a brave user (who wants to stay anonymous) supplied us with a list of keywords to ban.

But you won't ever be able to completely "resolve" the issue without curing society, which means that society must stop destroying people psychically to the extend that these people feel the need to harm children to keep their own damaged psyche from breeaking. Sadly our world currently goes into the opposite direction and produces more and more psychically broken people.

Every war, every famine, every mobbing in class and every destruction of jobs creates psychically injured people, and a tiny minority of these break down so far that they harm children sexually to feel strong.

Besides: Many more people harm children in nonsexual ways. And often these are the religious "good guys" who want to impose their morals on the children. That's abuse, too, and sadly it's still tolerated and even supported by many.

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