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Old October 12th, 2010
kvnsmnsn kvnsmnsn is offline
Join Date: October 5th, 2010
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kvnsmnsn is flying high
Default Getting the Check Mark in the Eclipse Debugger

I built LimeWire by downloading the source code to my local Eclipse IDE. I got it to run using Eclipse, and it downloaded a few files just fine.

Now at the top of the LimeWire GUI there's a text field with a label "Search..." in gray, and immediately to its right is a green button with an icon on it that results in tip "Search P2P Network" when you put the mouse over it. The only place in the code where "Search P2P Network" is mentioned is in
".\limewire\private-components\swingui\src\main\java\org\limewire\ui\s wing\search\" where it's designated as a tool tip for button <searchButton>. The only place in the code where "Search..." is mentioned is in the same file, where it is passed to constructor <PromptTextField()>, creating text field <searchField>.

So I decided I wanted to see what exactly happens when I enter a search string in the <searchField> field and then click on the <searchButton> button. The listener for <searchButton> is defined as a subclass of <ActionListener> which only has one method:

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
// Get search text, and add to history if non-empty.
String searchText = getSearchText();
if ( !searchText.isEmpty()
&& SwingUiSettings.KEEP_SEARCH_HISTORY.getValue()) {

I put a breakpoint right there at the <getSearchText()> call, and the little blue circle appeared to the immediate right of that call. But I didn't get the little check mark that's supposed to go with it. I think I need that check mark there in order for the breakpoint to have any effect, don't I? Does anybody know what I have to do to get the little check mark there?

Kevin S
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