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Old November 24th, 2010
_Chris_ _Chris_ is offline
Join Date: May 7th, 2009
Posts: 19
_Chris_ is flying high

Thanks filegirl_71, it's much appreciated. Will action that.

In the meantime, and don't know if this helps any of the helpful members here to give help on this, but here goes - if going to any of the Ultrapeers and browsing host, I can download any of their files, very fast, BUT, when trying to download files in the usual way, through the ordinary search function and then when you get a list of results, to try to download one of them, for many, many files, (have tried about 70 so far), from different hosts and none of them download, all I get is waiting for sources (so many seconds left), then awaiting sources!!!!! It's a turbo-charged connection and the brick wall is still in front of the globe.

Any help much appreciated.
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