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Old May 9th, 2002
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nDiScReEt nDiScReEt is offline
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Join Date: May 9th, 2002
Location: Chicago
Posts: 232
nDiScReEt is flying high
Talking The Solution To All Install Problems

0 NOTE 0
This is 100% guaranteed to work in a Bourne Again shell environment (bash or sh). Especially, if it is followed to the letter. Never Install LimeWire as ROOT!!! (Unless you are an experienced advanced linux user who is familiar with changing user ownership of files and directories).
So much work is going into making a detailed installer for all methods that I have a new idea.
I think a new modified installer is in order. One that will detect and configure your system properly with java. I will make a script that will do all the necessary magic. Goodness this is difficult to accomplish. Working out "bugs" currently between scripts for bash1.2, bash2, and ksh. Beta to be posted soon.
This has been updated Oct 19, 2003.

Each Post will be categorialized by installation method in relation to packaging scheme (ie rpm, emerge, tarballs, and deb) Not in that exact order mind you. Let us begin with the RPM enthusiasts out there using Sun's Java VM:

This portion is for Sun Java VM instructions. Scroll further down for IBM and BlackDown Java VM Installation Instructions.


Mandrake Users: remove kaffe first. (rpm -e kaffe --nodeps)
RedHat Users: remove jdkgcj first. (rpm -e jdkgcj --nodeps)

These examples are based on installation instructions for Sun's Java VM j2sdk-1.4.0. You will have to substitute my example's path (/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.0) with your installed java VM (/usr/java/j2re1.4.2_05 or equivalent) Instructions on discovering this is mentioned later when needed below.
**End Note**

Download from

Your package will have the name similiar to this one:


Execute the file in order to agree and extract the file:

sh j2sdk1_4_0-fcs-rpm.bin
(Substitute j2sdk1_4_0-fcs-rpm.bin with your downloaded file)

This should extract an rpm package like:


Install this like you will install any other rpm:

rpm -Uvh j2sdk1-4-0_01.fcs.rpm
(Substitute j2sdk1-4-0_01.fcs.rpm with your uncompressed file)

Then follow the rest of the instructions to the letter---

Since I had a prior installation I get this when I do:

java -version

java version "1.4.0"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.0-b92)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.0-b92, mixed mode)

Make the appropriate changes depending on where you installed your java installation whether it be sdk or jre:

The sun package j2sdk-1.4.0-fcs is located :


To find out for YOUR particular package, type this command (Please, please, please don't type "or". They are simply there to seperate commandline "options". Which mean use one of the following):

which -b java


rpm -ql j2sdk|more


rpm -ql j2re|more

and what it says in that first part is what you will have to add to your path statement:

(ie /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.0 in my case.)

You need to add a path statement in your .bash_profile:

If you are in a graphical environment using KDE, Gnome, blackbox, and etc, Ignore the vi editor instructions and just type using kate, kwrite, or gedit instead.
**End Note**

(Using vi type:
vi .bash_profile
press "i" (eye) to insert/edit/add the following

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.0
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

(Hit "Esc" to end editing. Then type:
to save and quit).

Next type in your terminal or console to activate these changes and use them now in your current session:

souce .bash_profile

Otherwise, you might have to logout then back in to accept these changes.

After doing that, I remove kaffe from my system (Mandrake System) but I have a dependency problem with my wizard packages (Mandrake Control Center). I do this command to keep that program around:

rpm -e kaffe --nodeps

This removes all instances of kaffe binaries from /usr/bin.

**Special Note**
rpm -e jdkgcj --nodeps

for those whom have this package installed on their system (Red Hat Systems).
**End Special Note**

After doing that, I execute the LImeWireLinux.bin installer (do this as a regular user and not root.:



Last edited by nDiScReEt; October 19th, 2003 at 01:50 AM.
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