Oh yes I see what you mean. I don't/didn't use WinMX Music on a regular basis and never saw that before. I'm guessing you are using same
WinMX Music version as me.
Now, as for WinMX Music showing up as OrangeWire/5.6.2, I'm not sure. I'll need to search around to see if I can get a copy that does. I took snapshots of various clients over recent years, particularly if I saw a new one. Most recent one was one called PeerProject. Anyway, the image I've provided shows versions from snapshots from 2009/10 through to 2012 with the earlier ones nearer the top. I'm wondering if the
WinMX Music devs have swapped to the LPE 5.6.2 engine. It appears the program is still updated occasionally. It makes me wonder if it is the same source program and also makes me wonder if it looks the same (like LW4.)
I have not received any notifications about an update for the program. I suffice to say they don't send out notifications for updates.
For me in the past, LW5/LPE, Phex and BearShare 5 show WinMX Music as being WinMX Music under the Vendor/Version display. Throughout this & previous years I've seen many WinMX Music users connected to me. Never seen OrangeWire with exception of what i mentioned earlier.
On a side note, make sure you do not use the same port number for WinMX Music as you do for other programs. That might be related to why yours sees a firewall. I removed my router exception due to needing it for something else a few months ago. (It was difficult having so many rules for so many clone versions, since I have a limit to how many router rules I can have.) My WinMX Music always connects very quickly, even when not used for several months.