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Old January 10th, 2016
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Thanks, I noticed yesterday was empty. I tried adding, some disallowed and some were accepted but nothing resulted. is the only other one on the above list I'm aware of & I suspect it has been around a long time. I wonder if it is related to this:
Originally Posted by Lord of the Rings View Post
... BS host-file bugs: I know I've commented about the BS host caching system before. But just to show how poor it is, two BS ultrapeers: one with uptime of 14 days and other with consistent uptime of 24 to 48 hours consecutively, have average uptimes of 38 mins and 80 mins respectively. Resulting in the best BS hosts at the bottom of the host-file. Obviously a severe bug with BS's host-file management.
There's other bugs also, such as multiple host listings, disregard of the hostiles when adding hosts to the host-file, and adding BS ultrapeers also to the non-BS list. The host-file also seems to obtain out-of-date host data with BS ultrapeers that have not existed for years (this might be due to a rogue BS ultrapeer.)
My original thought a couple years (2013) ago was it being due to a rogue GWC:
Originally Posted by Lord of the Rings View Post
... I am still convinced at least one still active GWC (if I can call it active) is giving out-of-date information. Two of my BearShare connection lists (Win 8 + 2000) contain many hosts at top of the list from January but mostly from December and earlier (nearing a year old).
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